Stuck at Home? or Safe at Home? Mindset Matters!

Arthy Moorthy
4 min readDec 20, 2020

Companies around the world are doing their best to control the spread of corona virus by implementing work from home policies for their employees. For many of us, working from home means spending more time with families, pets, or even having a more flexible time with our working schedule. However, for some, it can be a challenge to make changes in their daily routine.

I work for ISM APAC for more than two years now and truly appreciate the benefits and the culture of the organization. ISM APAC took corrective actions during the outbreak and made all the necessary arrangements for us to work from home. As the corona virus outbreak impacts more people’s lives both on the positive and the negative. I had myself frustrated wanting my normal life back so many times. For me, this has led to go back and reflect myself, how lucky I am to be safe at home. I know many of us have this feeling and want stuff to be normal soon. Here are a few tips that have helped me make my work from home experience more productive and happy.

Be Grateful and Self-aware

Before the corona virus outbreak, we lived in a world often dominated by dignity, looks and materialism. But now, we are beginning to realize the importance of humanity and simplicity. The most important lessons that I learned during this outbreak was to be grateful. This shifted my mindset into seeing things more positively. I started practicing this through listening to Grateful Affirmations on YouTube. This works and shifts your mindset to a more powerful state. Also, you can try out some breathing techniques which calms your mind and enable to understand yourself better. Try Wim Hof’s Method, watch the safety information before practicing the breathing techniques.

Make Time for Good Food

It’s important to be conscious with your food. Eat healthy and simple food whenever possible. Many struggle with less food these days, let’s remember them too and always be grateful that you have something to eat. Besides, this is also time to help each other, especially for those who run their lives on daily wages. Many charity associations already work on this.

Learn Something New Online

It’s up to you to set personal goals for self-development. Be aware of the amount of time you spend working. Every day, I set a reminder to myself to work on self-development. This can simply be following an online course. If you are interested in digital marketing read my previous article on free digital marketing courses with certificates.

Work at your Suitable Timing

It’s okay to work at your comfortable timing. Of course, this can’t be done most of the time but try to allocate your working schedule at your most productive timing. When I sit in front of my laptop for three hours, I start to feel burned out. Remember to take a walk in your garden and appreciate the nature. You’re doing the best you can. Think about your coworkers with kids who are probably handling added stress with their kids and work at the same time. Let us understand every situation and give everyone space to do their best.

Get Socialize

At times, it can get lonely working from home all day. When can, grab tea with friends online or help parents with their housework. A quick video call with a loved one or an office buddy can also work. If you plan in for these breaks throughout your day, you will feel positive and more energetic.

Final thoughts…

This is the perfect time to seek forgiveness from nature. We as humans were boasting about our new car, technological advancements, politics and entertainment. But never thought that our daily routine impact thousands of animals and nature. The virus has proved that the earth can be beautiful without humans.

And yes! the virus is spreading fast, faster than we ever imagined. With this the whole world has experienced a new reality.

Yet, if we are responsible and conscious this too shall pass!

Let us pray for the safety of doctors, nurses, media professionals, food delivery staff, emergency staff, army, police, volunteers and many more lives who fight this virus. Stop being a covidiot, Let’s act responsibly towards the society. Be safe everyone!

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Arthy Moorthy

Digital Marketer | Content Creator | A Happy Human Being